My Mom

Today is May 3, 2015 and my mother is celebrating her 81st birthday. She was, is and will continue to be the most significant woman in my life. Many people aren’t blessed enough to have their parent(s) remain so vital in their life for such an extended length of time.
My father gave me my love of movies, baseball, my facial features and my temper, but everything that I like about myself comes from my mom. She would do anything for anyone just because it’s the right thing to do. She has such strength of character and inspires me in ways she can’t imagine.
I rarely get to see her as she lives with and cares for an even more elderly relative. There’s just no quit in her and she’s the perfect example of how I’d like to be. She had her annual physical earlier this week and was given a clean bill of health. Her thyroid and blood clot issues appear to be well under control and her blood work looked good. Honestly, she’s in far better health than I am.
I know that I can call her whenever I like and without even trying she makes me feel better. We usually just talk about what she’s been up to and recipes. We both love to cook and are self trained at it. I never end a conversation with her without saying “I love you”.
I don’t tell my mom about how bad my fibromyalgia is becoming or how severe my depression hits. She’s already lived through her own struggles and I don’t see any reason to concern her about things she’d be unable to change. My mom has more than earned to right to simply enjoy her golden years. Just by her being the type of person she is constantly inspires me to strive to do better, to be better and do things unselfishly.
On today, her birthday, I wish her continued health and happiness. Thank you, mom for your unflinching faith in me. I love you.

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